The pForecast SaaS software
Forecasts of existing wells and future drilling take production efficiency and capacity limitations into consideration in the simulation scenario. With pForecast, your organization will save substantial time and effort.
Main features
Simplified Reporting
Strong and customizable reporting functionality. Supports export to the company’s desired formats, including Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS) and Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) standards. For a field, a structure of Revised National Budget (RNB) profiles and projects can be defined. These profiles and projects are used as an aid to report data to the RNB in Norway each autumn.
Incremental Profiles Analyses
Incremental profile analyses can be performed to quantify the net production of the entire project. This feature in pForecast enables users to derive incremental profiles in a reliable, efficient, and easy way. Such profiles make pForecast a valuable tool also outside the petroleum engineering department.
Corporate Roll-up Analysis
pForecast software can support corporate roll-up analyses which is a cumulation of values for a selected set of assets. The users can create as many roll-ups as they wish, for corporate-wide analyses and reports to the management group.
Mapping Uncertainties in Drilling Schedules
For Exploration and production companies it is important to take into account the uncertainties related to drilling. To meet this need, pForecast considers uncertainties involved in drilling schedules and rig availability.
pForecast can automatically generate Gantt Charts for drilling schedules and show how uncertainty is propagating over drilling targets.
Uncertainty as an Integral Part of the Prognosis Work
pForecast quantifies the uncertainties by using Monte Carlo simulations which allow forecasts with low, expected, and high values to be created. In this way, pForecast provides the necessary basis for decision making and risk management.
Effortless Planning
It is easier to evaluate different planning scenarios using pForecast than with reservoir simulations alone. In pForecast, the switch from deterministic analysis to stochastic analysis is automatic! A great advantage is that when last-minute changes occur, neither additional nor manual adjustments are needed. In pForecast a heavy analysis from a reservoir simulation tool can be reused in a fraction of the time it would take to rerun the reservoir analysis itself.
Improved Consistency
pForecast consolidates your methodology. Based on cloud technology with user-friendly interface pForecast offers a uniform method for the company’s forecasting as a result of a common analysis framework across assets.
Software as a Service (SaaS) Solution
pForecast is offered as software as a service and there is no need for any desktop applications. It has an interactive and user-friendly web-based interface. The solution also features simplicity, security, scalability and frequency of updates. Video instructions and a comprehensive user manual are embedded in the software, guiding you throughout the production forecasting workflow.
Smooth and Efficient Updates
With pForecast, it is easy to establish updated production forecast when assumptions change and there is no need to rebuild your case. Substantial time and effort will be saved.
Keeps your forecasts up to date
- Complete statistical analysis software package for the development of field lifetime production profiles
- Calculates statistically correct production profiles with P10 and P90 estimates for the defined report groups
- Incremental profiles analysis allows in a simple manner to include future wells/fields into your analysis
- Import the latest output data from your reservoirs simulations to refresh your predictions for your asset
- Automatic import of historical data into the life-time production profile
- Centralized location for both data, models and simulation results and reports
- Easy to keep version control of scenarios
- Simulation scenarios may be shared across organizations
Software as a Service solution

- Use input data from subsurface tools, such as Eclipse, Network models and ResX
- Integrate with third-party software like Excel, Cognite Data Fusion
- Export approved forecasts to, among others, Cognite Data Fusion and tailored Excel sheets
- Move away from worksheet-driven, standalone desktop applications
Easy access and flexible Business Model

- SaaS solution delivered using modern cloud service
- Accessed from your browser
- Apply different levels of access control for your organization: Administrator, Contributor, Editor, Quality control, Subscriber
- Annual, corporate-wide subscription based on pay as you go
pForecast Videos
Get a quick introduction to the pForecast tool, by watching our introduction videos.
Each video is between 2 and 6 minutes long and will give you an introduction to the strengths and power of pForecast tools.
Our software, your solution
pForecast offers consolidated and consistent methodology.
pForecast in 1 minute
pForecast, a cloud-based statistical analysis software to digitalize, simplify and standardize production forecasting.
pForecast vs. reservoir simulation tools
In this video you will find out the difference between pForecast and reservoir simulation tools and why it is useful to have both.
Before Getting Started with pForecast
An overview of our uncertainty-centric SaaS, pForecast. In this video, you will learn what pForecast is and how it can help you and your company.
Getting Started with pForecast
An overview of the main features and capabilities of pForecast. We have covered all that you need to get started!