Powersim Software will attend the SPE Norway Subsurface Conference

Powersim Software will attend the SPE Norway Subsurface Conference SPE Conference in Bergen takes place next week, hosted by Equinor. Powersim Software will be there to meet with oil and gas professionals to hear their prominent challenges and see how our software, pForecast, can help to generate the best possible forecast for the most challenging […]
Powersim Software signs agreement with Arribatec

Powersim Software signs agreement with Arribatec Powersim Software has signed an agreement with Arribatec Cloud about hosting of pForecast’s Software as a Service solution. We are looking forward to collaborating with Arribatec Cloud.
Powersim attended OTD Energy 2021

Powersim attended OTD Energy 2021 We would like to thank OTD Energy and Norwegian Oil & Gas for a fantastic fair. Powersim Software had this opportunity to present pForecast alongside Aker BP. Together we gave a brief overview of The First Steps towards Automated Production Forecasts. Aker BP addressed the challenges they face, and Powersim Software […]
Supersprint 6 together with Aker BP

Supersprint 6 together with Aker BP The pForecast team has finalized the second phase of the 6th Supersprint (SS#6) along with Aker BP. Phase 2 of SS#6 includes cutting-edge improvements for the end user, such as the possibility to limit production based on lack of injection. The pForecast team has finalized the second phase of SS#6 with Aker BP. Phase 2 of SS#6 includes many improvements for the end user, and some major updates to the dynamics […]
Powersim Software will be at OTD ENERGY 2021

Powersim Software will be at OTD ENERGY 2021 We are thrilled to announce that we will be attending OTD Energy 2021 from 20-21 October in Stavanger. We will be presenting “First steps towards automated production forecast” alongside Aker BP at 13:00 on 21st October. We will be happy to have a discussion with you about new cloud-based technology for […]
Powersim Software launches website for pForecast

Powersim Software launches website for pForecast This spring we are proudly launching our website for our production and forecasting tool pForecast. We are delighted to launch our pForecast website with a great design. The website will provide you with information about pForecast. You can reach out to get a private demonstration of our top-notch forecasting and prognosis tool that will supply you with advanced analysis of your oil and gas production forecasts.