How to model Capacity Upgrade in pForecast

How to model Capacity Upgrade in pForecast A new video covering another corner case has been added to the section called Appendix A of the user manual. You normally need a shut-in period during the process of facility upgrading. Since the duration of the shut-in period is uncertain, the last day of the shut-in period […]
How to model Slot Recovery in pForecast

How to model Slot Recovery in pForecast We are proud to announce that we now have a new video covering extraordinary cases. We have added them to a new section called Appendix A. In the case of modelling a side track, pForecast can automatically shut down the existing well when the drilling of the new […]
pForecast vs. reservoir simulation tools

pForecast vs. reservoir simulation tools This video gives you an overview of the difference between pForecast and reservoir simulation tools and why it is beneficial to have both. Using a weather forecast as an example, we explain the difference between utilizing pForecast compared to performing multiple reservoir simulations. Check out the video to get a […]